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Frequently Asked Questions
Please see below some commonly asked questions about your coverage with Student VIP.

  • Health and Dental Coverage Questions
  • International Health Coverage Questions
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Accessing Coverage
  • Drug Coverage
  • Dental Coverage
  • Opting In
  • Opting Out
  • Submitting Claims
  • Travel Coverage
  • Coverage for Recent Graduates
  • Claims Reimbursements
  • Contact Us
  • Common Insurance Terms
Who is eligible for coverage?

Full-time students enrolled in 3 or more courses and paying full time fees for the September term at Dalhousie are automatically covered under the Health & Dental benefits.

The following students are not covered automatically and must Opt-In:
  • Study abroad / Outbound exchange students
  • Co-op students on a work term
  • Part-time students
  • Distance education students
  • Students beginning in January & May (Opt-In during the appropriate opt-in period)

How much do the benefits cost?
Fall 2024 Fees
Policy Period: September - August
Single: Health $300.02 / Dental $185.84
Family: Health $300.02 / Dental $185.84

Winter 2025 Fees
Policy Period: January - August
Single: Health $300.02 / Dental $185.84
Family: Health $300.02 / Dental $185.84

Spring/Summer 2025 Fees
Policy Period: September - August
Single: $161.58 (Health & Dental)
Family: $161.58 (Health & Dental)

*NOTE: Family fees do NOT include Single fees.*
Students must be enrolled with Single Coverage to be eligible for family coverage.

How can I see an outline of my coverage?

You can find an outline of all of your coverage in the Benefits Brochure, or see an outline of coverage broken down by Drug, Extended Health, Vision, Dental, Travel and Accident coverage by clicking here.

How do I know if I am covered by the extended health and dental benefits?

Check the breakdown of your annual general fees; if they include the health and dental fees, you are automatically enrolled in the benefits. To confirm that your coverage is in-force and to confirm the period of coverage you can reach us at: 1-902-494-2850 or email  If your annual general fees do not include the health and dental fees, you can enroll yourself during the enrollment period in which your studies first begin, each policy year. 
Once your enrollment is confirmed, you can download a copy of your digital benefit card from the home screen of the Student VIP website. This serves as your proof of enrollment in the Health Plan.
How to view your Account Balance & Account Detail by Term 
1.     Login to Dal Online. 
2.     Select: Web for Students > Student Records > Account Detail by Term. 
3.     Select the appropriate term, then "Submit". 
4.     You will be directed to a screen displaying your Account Detail by Term. This shows most current Account Activity. 
5.     If the Account Balance is a positive value that amount is payable to Dalhousie.  If the Account Balance is a negative, you have a credit on your account. 
How to view your Account Statement & Payment History 
1.     Login to Dal Online. 
2.     Select: Web for Students > Student Records > Account Detail by Term. 
3.     Select the appropriate term, then "Submit". 
4.     You will be directed to a screen displaying your Account Detail by Term. This shows most current Account Activity. 
5.     To access your statement, select “Statement and Payment History” (link at the bottom of the page) 
6.     In the drop-down list next to "Select Statement Date", choose the appropriate date, then click "View Statement". 

What are my coverage effective dates?

The policy year always runs from September 1 to August 31

For Fall enrolments, coverage begins September 1. For Winter enrolments coverage begins January 1 and for Spring enrolments coverage begins May 1.  All students on the benefits will have the same termination date of August 31. 

Where can I access my Benefits Card?

You can download a printable copy of your plan card here.

Where can I find Discounted Service Providers?
Student VIP offers a wide variety of discounted providers. You can use a VIP Preferred Practitioner to save up to 20% on eligible services near your campus or home. To access the full network listing, please utilize our Provider Search Tool. Enter an address, select the type of practitioner, and the area you would like to search. The results will display, with any discount providers highlighted at the top of the search results. To set up an appointment, simply give them a call.
If your health service provider is not on the network, please ask them to 
Contact Us!
Can I still use Student VIP Perks, even if I opt-out of the benefits?

Yes! Many Student VIP Perks are available to all Dalhousie Students, regardless of whether or not they are currently covered under the Student Health and Dental benefits. 

Do I need to submit a prescription with my claim?

 Drug Claims & Vision Appliances 

Always require a prescription.

Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) 

Requires a physician's prescription on your first claim submission, each policy year.

Orthotics & Orthopedics

Must be prescribed by an attending physician, orthopedic surgeon, physiatrist, rheumatologist or chiropodist/podiatrist.

Hearing Aids 

Must be prescribed by an otorhinolaryngologist or otologist, or recommended by an audiologist. 


Some travel expenses may require copies of receipts or prescriptions depending on the claim.  For more information on this please contact Blue Cross directly at 1-833-867-3468 or 

Do students at different campuses have the same coverage?

Yes, students at all campuses will have the same coverage.

I am a mature student, at what age will my coverage terminate?

The current age cap on your DSU student benefits is age 99 for Drug Coverage, age 70 for Extended Health, Dental, Travel & Accident Coverage.

Can I see a mental health professional outside of Nova Scotia?

The DSU Health and Dental plan provides Canada-wide coverage. Therefore, you'd be able to visit the mental health professional of your choice anywhere in Canada.

Who Is Eligible For Coverage?

All international students are automatically billed and enrolled under the International Health Plan when they begin their studies at Dalhousie in the Fall, Winter, or Spring/Summer terms. The cost of the International Health Plan is charged once per policy year during the term in which your studies begin, each policy year.
  • Note:  Students on co-op in the fall term are not automatically billed or enrolled for coverage and must opt in should they wish to be enrolled under the plan
Fall enrollments: September 1 - August 31
Winter enrollments: January 1 - August 31
Spring enrollments: May 1 - August 31
You can confirm your enrollment in the health plan by reviewing your annual fees

How Much Do The Benefits Cost?
Months on Plan Single Rate Family Rate*
September - August $740.74 $1,123.32
January - August $493.83 $748.88
May - August $246.92 $374.44
*Family Fees are in addition to the cost of Single coverage. These fees are only applicable if your family has been enrolled at the same time as you. If your family has arrived after the beginning of your studies, please contact the DSU Health Plan Office for family rates. 

What Does My International Health Plan Cover?

The International Health Plan is a primary health insurance plan which covers doctor’s visits, lab tests, medical emergencies, hospitalizations and more.

You can review a summary of your coverage, or download the full policy booklet, under the Your Coverage page on the Student VIP website, you can also click here for a roadmap explaining your plan differences. 

How Do I Know If I Am Covered By The International Health Plan?

You can confirm your coverage under the International Health Plan by reviewing your tuition statement as the cost of the plan will be included if you are enrolled. You will also be able to download your digital health plan benefit card from the Student VIP website which serves as proof of enrollment.

You can request proof of enrollment by completing one of the following forms:

Outbound Travel (Proof of Travel Coverage leaving Canada)

This form is used for students requesting proof of coverage for outbound travel for either a travel visa, applications for government programs or proof for other reasons.
*Note that students traveling to Cuba do NOT require a travel letter, your provincial health coverage is sufficient for entering the country.

Inbound Travel (Proof of International Student Medical Insurance coming to Canada) 

This form is used for international students requesting proof of coverage for inbound travel to Canada for their visa, immigration or proof for other reasons. 

Where Can I Find A Doctor?

Find a doctor close to you here.

Direct2U Doctors

Does Direct2U Doctors provide sick notes?
Yes. However, sick notes will only be issued for completed visits through Direct2U Doctors and are only issued for certain medical conditions and on standard GOeVisit-issued stationery.

Are sick notes issued by Direct2U Doctors Valid?
Your institution may have specific requirements for approved medical documentation and, as such, sick notes issued through Direct2U Doctors may not be accepted. Please refer to your institution's policy on sick notes.


Halifax: Please visit Dalhousie Student Health Services at 1246 LeMarchant St for all non-emergency medical care. Call to book an appointment at 902-494-2171.

Truro: Please visit Dalhousie Health Services at 11 River Road- Dairy Building for all non-emergency medical care. Call to book an appointment at 902-893-6300.

If you are a dual citizen, and hold a Canadian passport, you may not be automatically enrolled under the DSU International health Plan if you have applied to Dalhousie as a Canadian Citizen.


In addition, you may not be eligible for Nova Scotia provincial health care (MSI) until you fulfill specific requirements.

To confirm your health insurance status, or to purchase the DSU Short Term International Health Plan, please contact the DSU Health Plan Office as soon as possible to avoid incurring large medical expenses.

In order to qualify for Nova Scotia Provincial Health Care (MSI), please see the following requirements below. Please note; these requirements are subject to change without notice. Please contact MSI directly to confirm your eligibility at 1-800-563-8880 (in Nova Scotia) / 902-496-7008 or You can also find more information online at


International Student with Canadian Passport (Dual Citizen) 

Eligible for MSI on the 1st day you arrive in Nova Scotia provided you have a valid Canadian Passport or Canadian Birth Certificate.


International Student Coming from another Canadian Province (Dual Citizen)

If you are an international dual citizen, but are coming to Nova Scotia from another Canadian Province, and not coming from abroad, you may be eligible for MSI on the 1st day of the third month that you are in Nova Scotia provided you have a valid Canadian Passport or Canadian Birth Certificate.

International Student Without Canadian Passport (Not A Dual Citizen) 

Eligible or MSI on the 1st day of the 13th month that you have been in Nova Scotia & have not been outside of the province for more than consecutive 30 days.

Benefit Cards

Students can download digital health plan cards which serve as proof of enrollment in their health plans from the Student VIP website.

Health and Dental Plan

Students who are enrolled automatically enrolled in the Health and Dental Plan can download their DSU Health and Dental Plan card with effect from September 1st.
Students who opt into single coverage, or who add family coverage to their plan, will receive confirmation of their enrollment with their plan card and be able to download their digital health plan card from our website.
Digital health plan cards can also be downloaded from the Medavie Blue Cross online portal or mobile app. Information on how to register for these services can be found here.

International Health Plan

Students enrolled in the International Health Plan can download their International Health Plan card from our website, which is separate from the Health and Dental Plan digital health plan card.

Note: There is a “blackout” period when students are enrolled in the International Health Plan for the first time each policy year. The "blackout period" refers to the time between the start of policy coverage when your policy comes into effect and the time it takes Medavie Blue Cross, the insurance provider, to complete your enrollment. You are still covered under the International Health Plan during this time; however, you will not have access to your Health Plan card until the blackout period ends and Medavie has finalized your enrollment. This usually takes a few weeks from when the policy begins. If you need to use the benefits provided by your plan during the blackout period, you are still able to however you will need to submit claims manually for reimbursement instead of being covered at the time of the appointment.  Once the blackout period ends, you will be able to download your digital plan card.

Using your benefits

To use the insurance plans, you should be familiar with the coverage provided by each of your plans. A summary of coverage can be found here.

By bringing your digital health plan card with you to your appointments the insured amount you are covered for can be taken off your bill. Medavie Blue Cross, the insurance company who provides the benefits covered by your insurance, has agreements with “Approved Providers” (service providers, such as dentists, doctors, etc…) in which the provider can submit claims for reimbursement on your behalf so the insured amount will be taken off your bill based on having a direct billing agreement with Medavie Blue Cross.

Coverage under your plans is available across Canada, even at service providers who do not have the direct billing agreement with Medavie Blue Cross. If you receive a bill for an insured benefit, you can submit claims on your own behalf to seek reimbursement for bills you may have paid for out of pocket. We offer step by step guides on how to submit claims on our website under the “Make a Claim” page.

Proof of Enrollment Form

Digital Health Plan cards act as proof of enrollment in the health plans offered by Dalhousie and should be brought along to health plan appointments.

For students who may need Proof of Enrollment when health plan cards are unavailable or additional proof is required, this can be requested through our website here through the request form.

How can I see if my medication is covered under my benefits?

If you want to know if your drug is eligible for coverage, check out the Eligible Drug Search tool. Just enter in the name of the drug or DIN (drug identification number) and you'll find out if it's eligible under the benefits and for Direct2U Prescriptions, as well as if it's a Brand or Generic drug.

What if the only medication that works isn't covered?

In the event that the therapeutic alternatives, which are eligible under the benefits, prove to be ineffective for treating your particular condition, it is possible to have a special care approval for your medication.  These approvals are done on a case-by-case basis.  You must complete the Special Authorization Request Form.  You will be notified in writing if your application has been approved or not.

What is the turn-around time for Special Authorization Drug Requests?

Your request will be confidentially reviewed by a health care professional according to the payment criteria established.  When all the required information is received by Blue Cross, the standard turn-around time for Special Authorization decisions is 7 to 10 working days.

What is Direct2U Prescriptions?

Direct2U is a prescription delivery service available to DSU Health Benefits members. This service offers up to 100% coverage for Generic Medications and 80% for Brand Name Medications. For more information please click here.

How do I get a quote for dental work?

If you'd like to see exactly what will be covered for specific dental procedure(s), have your dentist submit a pre-determination, along with your name and student ID #, to Medavie Blue Cross™ via fax at 506-867-4651. Pre-determinations are strongly recommended for extensive dental procedures such as wisdom teeth extractions, crowns, and other major services. 

How can I check to see if a dental code is covered?

You can check to see if a dental code on your pre-determination is eligible under the benefits. Login to the Blue Cross Member Portal to find out!

Note: this does not say how much is eligible, just if the code itself is eligible under your benefits.

Orthodontic Coverage

Unfortunately the Health & Dental Benefits do not cover Orthodontic services or supplies. Braces, Invisalign and services related to these items would not be eligible for coverage.

Opt-in Requirement

Students who are not automatically enrolled in either the International Health Plan or the Health and Dental Plan have the option to opt-into the coverage during the enrollment period in which the students' studies first begin, each policy year.

Students' can only opt-into the Dalhousie Health Plans during the academic term in which their studies first begin, each policy year.  

Can I add family onto my benefits?

Yes, students may enroll their spouse and/or dependent children onto the benefits for an additional fee during the opt-in period in which they begin their studies. For enrollment in the International Health Plan, the cost of insurance will be added to your tuition fees. The cost of family enrollment in the DSU Health and Dental Plan is paid for out of pocket through the Student VIP opt-in page during the appropriate enrollment period.

The following are considered eligible dependents:


The legal spouse of the insured student provided there is no legal separation in effect, or an individual of the same or opposite sex who has been residing with the insured student for a period of at least one (1) year and who has been designated as the spouse/common-law partner of the insured student in the policyholders records for insurance purposes, and is a resident of Canada and has provincial health coverage (or equivalent coverage).

Dependent Child(ren):

Any natural child, step-child or legally adopted child of the insured student, who is under 21 years of age, unmarried and receives full support and maintenance from the insured student, or those over 21, but under 25 years of age, unmarried and receives full support and maintenance from the insured student for reason of full-time attendance at an accredited institute, college, or university in Canada, or receives full support and maintenance from the insured student by reason of mental or physical infirmity, and is a resident of Canada and has provincial health coverage (or equivalent coverage).

When can I Opt-in?

You can only opt-into the benefits during the period in which you first begin your studies, each policy year. The various opt in periods are:

Fall Opt-in: August 6, 2024 - September 30, 2024
  • This ONLY applies to September start students. 
Winter Opt-in: December 16, 2024 - January 31, 2025
  • This ONLY applies to those whose studies first begin in January. 
Summer Opt-in: April 15, 2025 - May 31, 2025
  • This ONLY applies to those whose studies first begin in May. 
If I already have coverage, can I opt-out of my Student Health Insurance Plans?

Yes, if you have comparable alternative coverage you may opt-out of the Student VIP benefits during the appropriate opt-out period. You should be aware that your DSU Student Health & Dental Benefits offers benefits specifically designed for students, so you may find it advantageous to remain enrolled on these benefits and coordinate your benefits with your existing coverage.

Can I opt out (cancel) the Health and Dental Plan?

Students who can provider proof of enrollment in comparable health insurance can waive the cost of the Health and Dental Plan by submitting an opt-out during the appropriate enrollment period. Information on how to submit an opt-out can be found on the Student VIP website with the opt-out itself being submitted on Dal Online.

Can I opt out (cancel) the DSU International Health plan?
Students can opt-out of the International Opt-outs by meeting specific requirements during the enrollment period in which their studies first begin each policy year.
*MSI opt-outs are not subject to enrollment periods as students become eligible for this coverage throughout the year.

Sponsored Opt-outs: 

Only Sponsored students (WUSC, CBIE, Libyan, Saudi), Exchange students with coverage from their university only or students with MSI are permitted to submit an opt-out application.

Private Opt-outs*:

For eligible students, your policy must be in English and must provide at minimum to be considered for an opt-out:

  • 2 million dollars in coverage (CAD)
  • Be active for the entire duration of your study period
  • Include at minimum, coverage for hospitalization, outpatient care, surgery, lab tests, diagnostic tests, and repatriation
  • Your policy must not contain any exclusions for medical services including hospitalization relating to being under the influence (i.e. alcohol) or for self-harm, self-inflicted injury, attempted suicide or suicide.

If you stay enrolled in both the DSU International Health Plan and your existing plan, you can combine coverage for maximum benefits. This is called Coordination of Benefits (COB). Benefits payable under this student plan will not exceed the combined total amount of eligible expenses incurred.

*Exchange Student Opt-outs:

If a student is at Dalhousie on exchange, they can opt-out of the International Health Plan for the terms they will not be a student at Dalhousie to have those terms waived from their International Health Plan without providing proof of enrollment on an alternate, comparable, private plan. If a student on exchange can provide proof of enrollment in an alternate plan that meets the above requirements, they can have the full cost of the International Health Plan waived.

MSI Opt-outs:

  • If you wish to opt out of the DSU International Health Plan with MSI you must do so either online, or in office as soon as you receive your MSI card
  • In the opt out application, you must provide proof of your active MSI card
  • You will only be opted out for the months that your MSI card is fully active. (i.e. If your MSI card is effective October 15-August 31, you will be opted out from November-August)
  • If your MSI card expires throughout the year, please obtain a new card ASAP. You will be opted out again once we receive a copy of your new card.

You must submit your opt-out within 30 days of receiving your MSI card

What is the opt-out process?

If you choose to request an opt-out from the Student VIP benefits, you must provide comparable coverage online during the opt-out period.
To opt-out, you must fill out the appropriate opt-out form on the Student VIP website during the enrollment period in which your studies first begin, each policy year.

Note: There are no exceptions or extensions to the opt-out deadline.  If you submit a claim during the opt-out period and have requested to opt-out of the plan your opt-out request will be declined and your fee will not be reversed.

If I opted out and I lose my alternative coverage, can I opt back into the benefits?

No. By opting out of the Student VIP Health & Dental Benefits you will not be eligible to opt back into the benefits until the next policy year begins, even if you lose your existing coverage. If you do not meet the Auto-Enrol criteria next year, please see the Opting In FAQ section for the applicable opt-in periods.

  • If your coverage is through your parents/spouse and they lose their coverage;
  • If you reach the age of maturity as a dependent on your parent’s benefits (i.e. age 21 for some benefits, 25 for others)

Please carefully consider your decision to opt-out.

When can I opt-out?

You can only opt-out of the benefits during the period in which you first begin your studies, each policy year.

Opt-outs from the Health and Dental Plan can only be submitted during the Fall Term enrollment period at the start of the policy year.

International Opt-outs with MSI can be submitted throughout the year as you become eligible for this coverage. All other opt-outs under the International Health Plan (Private Insurance, Home-Country opt-outs, Exchange opt-outs, and sponsored Opt-outs) must be submitted during the enrollment period in which your studies first begin, each policy year.

The various opt out periods are:

Fall Opt-Out: August 6, 2024 - September 30, 2024

  • This ONLY applies to September start students. 
  • The deadline to pay tuition is September 17th. Ensure all fees are paid to Dalhousie by this date, or you will be charged late fees. If you opt-out from the plan and the fee is waived from your tuition it will be credited against a future term, or you can contact the Student Accounts Team for a refund once your waiver is showing.

​Winter Opt-Out: December 16, 2024 - January 31, 2025

  • This ONLY applies to those whose studies first begin in January. 

​​Summer Opt-Out: April 15, 2025 - May 31, 2025

  • This ONLY applies to those whose studies first begin in May. 

What if I miss the opt out deadline?

If you miss the opt out deadline, you have the ability to submit an appeal for one week following the enrollment period deadline. Please note; an appeal does not guarantee you will be opted out of the plan. Please reach out the DSU Health Plan Office ( to complete and submit an appeal application. You must be enrolled in an alternate plan that is comparable to the Dalhousie Health Plans you are enrolled in to waive the cost of insurance. Appeals are only granted in extreme cases in which a major life change has impacted a student's ability to complete an opt-out during the enrollment period.

Do I need to Opt-Out each term?
No, you only need to Opt-Out once per policy year, in the term in which you begin your studies. 
How do I submit a claim?

The easiest and fastest way to make a claim is via the Medavie Blue Cross™ Portal or the Medavie Blue Cross™ Mobile App. For instructions on how to make a claim, click here.

What is my Group Policy Number and Identification Number?

This information is on your benefits card: 

Health and Dental Plan

Group Policy #:
Identification #: 000 + Your 6-digit student ID number + 00

(Example: If your student number is B00123456, your ID number would be: 00012345600)

International Health Plan

Group Policy #: 
Identification #: Your B0 student banner number

How long do I have to submit a claim?

All claims must be submitted to Medavie Blue Cross™ no later than 12 months from the date the expense was incurred. In the event of termination of coverage, claims incurred prior to the termination date must be submitted to Medavie Blue Cross™ within 90 days of the termination date.

How do I register for the Medavie Blue Cross™ portal?

Click here to access the Medavie Blue Cross™ Portal.

Click on the "Register now" link which can be found near the bottom of the log in page. When prompted, choose the card on the lower right, it should look similar to the card you have. Enter your Policy Number, Identification Number, Date of Birth, Email and Password. Once you've registered, you'll receive an email from Medavie Blue Cross™ to activate your account. For more detailed instructions, please click here

Where can I find claim forms?

If you do not wish to use an online submission method, you can click here to access Health, Dental and Accident claim forms.

How long does it take for my claim to be processed?

It takes 7-14 business days to process a claim, starting the first business day after submitting.

How can I check on the status of a claim, or obtain my claim history?

You can check the status of current claims and obtain your claim history via the Medavie Blue Cross™ Portal or Mobile App.


Medavie Blue Cross™ Portal: 

Using the Portal, you can check your claim status by clicking the "Statements" top menu bar.  Then select a date range, insured member, line of benefit, and hit "Search". If your claim has already been processed you will also be able to see the explanation of benefits. You can print this information out using the “Print” button at the bottom of the page.


Medavie Blue Cross™ Mobile App: 

While using the Mobile App, you can check your claim status by simply clicking the "View my claims" top menu bar.


Additional Questions:

Any outstanding questions regarding claim status/history can be directed to Medavie Blue Cross™ via the contact information listed below:

How do I coordinate my benefits?

Students with plans through their parents or spouse can coordinate their benefits for increased coverage. To do this, submit first to Student VIP. Once you get your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and your reimbursement, you can submit the EOB along with your receipts and claim form from your parents' benefits for further reimbursement.

Students with benefits through their employer must submit to the provider they have had the longest first, then submit to their other benefits second.

My reimbursement cheque is stale dated, what do I do?

If your cheque is stale dated within 12 months of the end of the policy period in which your claim was incurred, you can contact Medavie Blue Cross directly to have the cheque reissued. If you are requesting to reissue a stale dated cheque that is beyond 12 months from the end of the policy year in which the claim was incurred, you must contact Student VIP directly. Please note that requests made outside of this timeframe may not be honoured.

Who do I contact if I need to use my travel coverage while away?

Within Canada (not your home province) and the United States: 1-800-563-4444

Anywhere else in the world, call collect: 1-506-854-2222

Please have the following information ready:

Personal Information
Your name and Student ID
Your Policy Number - 0091936000

Travel Information
Travel dates: departure date and return date (from/to) the home province
Travel destination: City, State/Province (when applicable), Country
Travel purpose

Medical Information
Description of the medical emergency or need (symptoms, circumstances, etc.)
Date of medical emergency or first onset of symptoms
Whether you're an international student looking for medical coverage while you continue your stay in Canada, or you're a Canadian student looking to have health & dental coverage while you search for employment, Student VIP offers ways for students to continue their health coverage post graduation.
CLICK HERE for more information!

Medavie Blue Cross will issue reimbursements in the form of a paper cheque, to the address on file, if there is no direct deposit information provided. Please note that cheques are considered stale dated after six months unless certified.

If your cheque is stale dated within 12 months of the end of the policy period in which your claim was incurred, you can
contact Medavie Blue Cross directly to have the cheque reissued. If you are requesting to reissue a stale dated cheque that is beyond 12 months from the end of the policy year in which the claim was incurred, you must contact Student VIP directly. Please note that requests made outside of this timeframe may not be honoured.

Please contact the Student VIP office with any questions regarding your health and dental benefits. If we can't help you, we'll let you know who can! Visit the Support Page here to start a Live Chat or see who else you can speak to.

NOTE: Our Student VIP Representatives will make every effort to assist with specific coverage and eligibility questions. Ultimately, the policy document is the only true indicator of coverage. Please access your policy document in your Blue Cross portal for more information.


Insurance terms can be difficult to understand, but that's why we're here to break them down for you.

View the International Glossary Booklet for additional International Medical Plan terms.



Medical Anesthesia is a field of anesthesia that includes local, sedation and general anesthesia. These are forms of medicine that freeze a spot on the body that requires medical attention to help relieve pain. General and sedation are typically a medical gas that give you the feeling of being asleep before a medical procedure is done so you do not feel pain.



A person who may receive payment from your health benefits if you die while covered under an insurance policy.



The period of time that an Insured Person is insured (covered) under the insurance policy. Starting from 12:01 a.m. on the effective date of coverage and ending at 12:00 midnight on the termination date.



The 12-consecutive-month period that begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. Sometimes your insurance policy will indicate that some benefits are in force per calendar year versus policy year.



The emergency assistance provider for the Student VIP Travel Benefits and Student VIP International Student Health Plan. CanAssistance provides travel assistance such as if you are sick and need to find a doctor.



A certification ID or your ID number is your personal identification number for the insurance company to find you under your group policy. Under a Student VIP / Student VIP International plan, a certificate ID and ID number are the same.



A claim is when you have paid out of pocket for a service and must submit your expenses to the insurance company to see if they are eligible. A claim can be for medication, dental services, doctor visits, etc. Making a claim does not mean the service will be reimbursed (paid).



If you are covered by another health insurance plan in addition to your Student Benefits (e.g. through a parent's or spouse's employer, or your own employer), you may coordinate the benefits in order to increase your overall coverage, up to 100%.



Carrier means the insurance provider responsible for processing and paying your claims.

Common Carrier means a method of transportation such as airplane, bus, train, etc.



If you are covered by other extended benefits in addition to your Student Benefits (ex. through a parent's or spouse's employer, or your own employer), you may coordinate the benefits in order to increase your overall coverage, up to 100%.



You pay a portion of the cost of your prescriptions by paying either the same amount each time (e.g. $5) or a percentage of the total cost (e.g. 20%). If you’re paying a percentage, then you’re encouraged to shop around for the best available dispensing fees and ingredient costs.


A deductible is an amount you pay for health care services before your health policy begins to pay.



When the service that you have obtained is not eligible (covered) under your insurance policy. This may be because the service is not included in the coverage, you have reached the maximum amount payable for that service, or it relates to a pre-existing condition.



A person/family member that can be included on the student's health benefits. On the Student VIP benefits, an eligible dependent (family member) is a spouse (husband/wife), common-law partner (live-in partner for at least 2 years), or children.



A diagnostic test can include an x-ray, a blood test, or other bodily fluid samples. It is an examination to identify a person's area of weakness and strength to determine a condition, illness or even disease. This follows the report of symptoms or other medical test results.



When a practitioner, pharmacy, dental office, doctor office, or hospital sends the bill to the health insurance company for payment. This means the student does not have to pay up front and file a claim for reimbursement.



Unexpected and unforeseen sickness or injury that requires immediate medical treatment for the relief of pain or suffering which cannot be delayed.


EMERGENT CARE CENTRE (also known as an ER)

An emergent care centre is a 24 hour/7 day a week service that is at a hospital. It has all of the necessary tools for assessment and care. Emergent care means services provided for a person that, if not provided, would likely result in the need for crisis intervention or hospital evaluation.



Enrolment means that you have been signed up for the health insurance benefits either by your school automatically, or having purchased the health benefits on your own.



A service or expense that is not covered under the insurance policy.



Any type of travel outside of the province that you are attending school. An excursion can be for academic purposes such as study abroad or leisure such as a trip during reading week.



An explanation of benefits (commonly referred to as an EOB) is a statement sent by a health insurance company to covered individuals explaining what medical treatments and/or services were paid for on their behalf. The EOB is not a bill. It simply explains how your benefits were applied to that particular claim. It includes the date you received the service, the amount billed, the amount covered, the amount that the insurance company paid, and any balance you’re responsible for paying the provider.



A type of benefit included in health insurance benefits. Extended health benefits usually include paramedical practitioners, medical equipment and supplies, ambulance and more.



The card you must show when visiting the pharmacy, dental office, doctor office, or hospital. This card usually has your name and ID on it and the insurance company information so health care providers can directly bill the insurance company.



Home Country means the country that you maintain your permanent residence. For example, if you are a student that has come to Canada from China to study, your home country would be considered China.



Hospital - Is an institution that provides medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people. It has enhanced capabilities and can treat illnesses and injuries. They have diagnostic tools and an emergency care centre that you can go to in very serious situations 24/7. Hospital should only be used when care is emergent and cannot wait for an appointment.

Campus Health Clinic - Provides care to students right on campus. Similar to a walk-in clinic with designated hours of operation. Some clinics can provide mental and physical health care. If there are doctors on site, they can prescribe medication and treatments. Check if your campus clinic is appointment-based or walk-in. You can visit one when you are feeling unwell or need a check-up. They are also there to help answer questions related to your health. Services are confidential.

Walk-In Clinic - Accepts patients on a walk-in basis and with no appointment required. You can get advice, assessment and treatment for minor illnesses and injuries. They provide services including diagnosis, prescriptions and referrals. Use a walk-in clinic in a non-urgent situation. Walk-in clinics are not open 24/7.



Harm or damage to your body.



Coverage that may pay for drug, dental, vision, medical, surgical expenses. Health and Dental benefits are subject to maximums, conditions and limitations and should be reviewed in full before use.



The company responsible for processing and or paying claims, managing the contact centre for coverage questions and claims assistance. The insurance provider is sometimes known as the plan administrator. 



The person who is listed as having active coverage under an insurance policy.



A document issued by the health care provider that indicates the services you received. This document is needed by the insurance company to review and process claims.



MPS, quite simply, pays for the cost of a prescription up to the equivalent generic price.



Services or supplies provided by a Hospital or Physician, licensed Dentist or another licensed provider that are required to identify or treat an Insured Person’s Sickness or Injury.



A person's condition in terms of psychological, social and emotional well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle scenarios, relationships and other feelings or situations.



A Monitored Medication, or controlled substance, is generally a drug or chemical whose manufacture, possession, or use is regulated by a government, such as illicitly used drugs or prescription medications that are designated a Controlled Drug by the Controlled Drug and Substance Act. Examples include Dilaudid, Methadone, Demerol, OxyContin, Percocet, Morphine, Opium, Codeine, Amphetamine (Dexedrine, Adderall), and Methamphetamine. Schedule III – These are substances that can still lead to moderate or low physical dependence and high psychological dependence.



A Master of Social Work - a Master's Degree in the field of Social Work. A provider who has an MSW provides mental health care to individuals such as counselling.



To sign up, register, or enrol in an insurance policy.



To cancel, withdraw, or leave a health insurance policy. At your school, you are required to have insurance. You may be able to cancel if you have other insurance already in place that is comparable to the school provided insurance before you can cancel.



It is a session or event where information is provided to students regarding their health benefits, benefits package, service and coverage details. Orientations can be held at different times of the year and students should attend.



A type of health care provider that offers care such as a physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, naturopath, chiropodist, nutritionist, etc.



The person that manages or takes care of the health and dental benefits for students. The administrator works with the plan provider (Student VIP International) to make sure the plan meets all the rules. Students can go to their health plan administrator with questions regarding their health coverage.



A policy number or group number is a way to identify what health insurance policy you are covered under. A policy number is assigned to each insurance policy. Under a Student VIP / Student VIP International plan, a policy number and group number are the same.



An individual licensed under Canadian law to provide health services to individuals. Examples include a physician, psychiatrist, dentist, nurse, etc.



Any condition known or unknown for which you have already received medical advice or treatment before enrolment on the health insurance benefits. Common pre-existing conditions include diabetes, a heart condition, a broken bone for which you need follow up treatment, etc.



A medical pre-determination is used when you want to confirm if the medical procedure you need to get is covered by your insurance. You have to complete a form and submit it to the insurance company. They will review the form and your policy and send you a letter to confirm if you have coverage for the procedure or not. It is important to do a pre-determination before expensive medical procedures such as surgery, x-rays or if you know you need to be admitted to the hospital.



A health care provider that is part of our network that usually offers a discount for services or direct billing to the insurance company so you do not have to pay the full cost out of pocket.



The price that you pay for your health insurance.



A formal written document issued by a medical professional for a patient to be provided medicine or treatment. A drug prescription is used to get medication from a pharmacy. A prescription is not needed for over-the-counter health aids.



The health care coverage Canadians automatically qualify for, to cover visits to the doctor or hospital. International students may qualify for this coverage if certain eligibility is met.



A medical specialty for mental health. This medical practice is to diagnose, prevent and treat mental health conditions, illnesses or disorders This includes trouble with mood, behaviour, and perception. Psychiatric care can include medical evaluations, care or treatment by a professional.



Reasonable & Customary limits are the range of usual fees for comparable medical services in a geographical area. Like other benefit providers, Medavie Blue Cross™ uses these limits to determine the maximum eligible amounts for health care services and supplies covered by your benefits. We review reasonable and customary limits on a continual basis and make changes periodically to ensure our allowed amounts are representative of the current standard charges in the health care environment.



When the claim you or a provider submits for services you have obtained is approved and paid.



The return of an insured student to their own country or province if they are sick, injured or have died while covered under an insurance policy.



Sudden and unforeseen (unexpected) presence of an illness or disease.



An existing medical condition that is not worsening and there has been no change in any medication or dosage or usage for the medical condition, and there has been no change in the medical treatment.



The Student VIP International Health Plan and Provincial Health plans provide coverage for physician-related services such as doctor visits, hospital visits, diagnostic testing, etc. The coverages are NOT the same.



An urgent care centre is not designated to receive patients who arrive in an ambulance. It can be located in a hospital facility or a building on its own. Some urgent care centres have designated hours of operations. Urgent care is provided for illnesses or injuries which require immediate attention but are not of such seriousness as to require the services of an emergency room/ hospital.




Brand - It is a prescription drug that is marketed with a specific brand name by the company that makes it. Brand name drugs are typically more expensive than generic drugs.

Generic - Contain the same active medicinal ingredients as the brand name alternative, and are therefore considered therapeutic equivalents. However, the ingredients that actually combine the active ingredients may differ. For the most part, generic products will perform the same as their brand name counterparts, cost less and can reduce the costs of your health benefits.



A dispensing fee represents the charge for the professional services provided by a pharmacist when dispensing a prescription. The dispensing fee differs from pharmacy to pharmacy. Student VIP is able to offer you student-friendly dispensing fees through some of our partners.



A DIN is a number assigned to a specific dosage or drug that tells you if the product has been approved for use and can legally be manufactured and sold in Canada.



A Monitored Medication, or controlled substance, is generally a drug or chemical whose manufacture, possession, or use is regulated by a government, such as illicitly used drugs or prescription medications that are designated a Controlled Drug by the Controlled Drug and Substance Act. Examples include Dilaudid, Methadone, Demerol, OxyContin, Percocet, Morphine, Opium, Codeine, Amphetamine (Dexedrine, Adderall), and Methamphetamine. Schedule III – These are substances that can still lead to moderate or low physical dependence and high psychological dependence.



Also known as (OTC) are health aids or medicine that do not need a prescription. They can be purchased at places like a pharmacy. OTC's can include items like Advil, Tylenol, cold medicine, cough drops, etc.




A STORE RECEIPT is a slip of paper given in person or sent online that is used to provide a record of sale.

A PHARMACY RECEIPT is a record of sale slip that includes the pharmacy details, prescriber's name (doctor), and the name of the drug or treatment that was prescribed. It can allow you in some cases to claim a reimbursement or see the details of the drug benefits payment details.




Dental Anesthesia is a field of anesthesia that includes not only local anesthetics but sedation and general anesthesia. Local anesthetic freezes the mouth before a procedure is done to help with pain relief.



A Complete Exam consists of the dentist looking inside your mouth for things that can affect your oral – and overall – health. The complete exam can catch problems early before you see or feel them and when they are easier and less expensive to treat. Some of the problems that dentists can identify include deteriorating fillings, early signs of gum disease or oral cancer, etc.

A Recall Exam is a maintenance exam performed once a year following the initial oral examination. This exam helps to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental disorders that may have developed during the year. A recall visit typically includes an exam, as well and polishing and scaling.



An Endodontist is a dentist who specializes in maintaining teeth through endodontic therapy – procedures, involving the soft inner tissue of the teeth, called the pulp. Endodontists perform a variety of procedures including root canal therapy, endodontic retreatment, treating cracked teeth, and treating dental trauma. Root canal therapy is one of the most common procedures performed by Endodontists.



Major Restorative Dental Services typically include procedures and treatments that are relatively more complex in nature. Major Restorative Services can include Dental Crowns, Dentures, Bridges, etc.



Minor Restorative Dental Services typically include types of treatments and procedures that are relatively straightforward in nature. Minor Restorative Services can include Composite Fillings, Recementing Dental Crowns, Stainless Steel Crowns, etc.



Periodontic dental care ranges from routine treatment of gums to assisting those diagnosed with gum disease, and can include the removal of calcium deposits (plaque, tartar, calculus, and stone) from around the tooth above and below the gum.



A dental pre-determination is an estimate of what your dental benefits will cover and what you will be responsible for. Your dental office can submit an outline of the proposed treatment to Medavie Blue Cross™ prior to proceeding with treatment. The predetermination is only an estimate, and does not guarantee the final costs you will be responsible for paying.



A radiograph (x-ray) helps dentists diagnose and treat dental problems, including cavities, gum disease, infections, and more. Radiographs allow dentists to see inside a tooth and beneath the gums to assess the health of the bone and supporting tissues that hold teeth in place.



Scaling teeth is part of a routine professional cleaning, and it involves scaling teeth and the gum line to remove plaque and tartar. This is done to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

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