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Virtual Health Clinic

Students at University of Lethbridge Calgary Campus have access to immediate virtual care from the comfort of wherever you are.

Our medical providers are available day or night to help you with your medical concerns, prescribe medication, refer you to a specialist, and even refer you for blood work and x-rays!

See A Medical Provider By Video Now

To use the Virtual Reality Health Clinic on Campus

Click to book an appointment

How to access virtual healthcare services:

Virtual Reality On Campus Clinic (Using handheld device for exams)
Students who require an exam of the mouth, throat, ear, lungs, heart, blood pressure, pulse, or temperature should use the Virtual Reality On Campus Clinic.

 Click on the link above to schedule your appointment
 Choose your preferred date and time for the appointment
 You will receive a calendar invite
 Visit the clinic at the South Campus, 6th floor, room S6025B
 Visit the U Lethbridge office at the South Campus 6th door, room S6032 to get the key for the clinic room


Virtual Clinic (Online Video Only)

    On a Mobile phone or Tablet:

 Download Express Care by Cleveland Clinic Canada
 Create an Account
 When registering, if you don't have a last name, please use two periods (..) or two underscores (__) to bypass the last name field
 Enter ULC as your Service Key

On a computer:


Detailed Instructions:  English      
For Frequently asked questions click here: FAQ     

The Virtual Health Clinic can help with over 500 medical issues including:

 Ear infections (Sore Ear)
 Sore Throat
 Stomach Issues
 Back Pain
 Bug Bites
 Cold & Flu

 Sinus Infections
 Skin Conditions / Acne / Rashes
 Sexual Health
 Bladder Infections
 Trouble Sleeping
 And many more..

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