Students enrolled in the Spring Term, who have been automatically assessed the Health & Dental Plan fee on their tuition may choose to add their eligible family members to the plan:
Please have the following information available to opt-in family members:
The following are considered Eligible Dependants:
Spouse/Common-Law: the legal spouse of the Insured Student provided there is no legal separation in effect, or an individual of the same or opposite sex who has been residing with the Insured Student for a period of at least one (1) year and who has been designated as the spouse/common-law partner of the Insured Student in the Policyholders records for insurance purposes, and is a resident of Canada and has provincial health coverage (or equivalent coverage).
Dependent Child(ren): Any natural child, step-child or legally adopted child of the Insured Student, who is under 21 years of age, unmarried and receives full support and mintenance from the Insured Student, or those over 21, but under 25 years of age, unmarried and receives full support and maintenance from the Insured Student for reason of full-time attendance at an accredited institute, college, or university in Canada, or receives full support and maintenance from the Insured Student by reason of mental or physical infirmity, and is a resident of Canada and has provincial health coverage (or equivalent coverage).
The termination age for the ASU Health & Dental Plan is 70.
PLEASE NOTE: You must use your Colleague ID number to opt-in. If you're unsure of your Colleague ID number, you can log in here to find it under your name at the top of the page.