Coverage is mandatory for all international students attending North West College
This plan provides coverage for doctor visits, hospitalization, x-rays, lab tests, repatriation and more
If you need to see a doctor or nurse, please click on the button below for health care options
See a doctor or nurse International Health Plan Policy Translated Policy Summaries
NOTE: Accidental / Emergent Dental benefit claims are covered at a dental office provided that the dentist provides supporting documentation that care was received due to an accident or emergency. If this documentation is not received at time of claim there will be delays with processing as we wait for this information to be made available.
Understand Your Coverage
Know all benefits, limitations, and exclusions that apply.
Coverage valid in Canada only.
Medical Coverage
All international students studying at North West College are required to have health insurance, therefore, you are automatically enrolled in the North West College International Health Plan.
Emergency Medical Coverage Including but not limited to:
Doctors' Visits
Diagnostic Tests (blood work, x-rays)
Emergency Hospitalization
Emergency Surgery
Emergency Transportation- Ambulance
Travel Coverage**
Psychology and Psychiatry Counselling Services***
Maternity Expenses****
* Travel vaccines are not eligible for coverage unless you require it for a school course. In order to review the claim for eligibility please include supporting documentation that your course required the vaccine
** Please review your policy before you travel
*** No coverage for Psychoeducational Assessments
****Please consult the policy for more details
Dental Coverage from 80% - 100% Coverage
Annual combined maximum of $600/year/insured
Preventive Care (100%)
Basic Restorative (80%)
Major Restorative (80%)
Mental Health Coverage
No matter what your mental health journey looks like, you have coverage through your plan to support your mental health care.
Psychologist/ Psychiatrist/ Psychotherapist- $10,000 lifetime
Social Worker- $500 policy year
NOTE: These details are a summary only. Please refer to the policy for full details including limitations and exclusions.
The Medical & Wellness plan also includes coverage for various transportation needs including:
Ambulance – Up to $10,000
Taxi or Uber to hospital- Up to $125 per policy year
Repatriation (you are sick and must return home permanently) – up to $20,000
Air Evacuation - $300,000 per policy year
NOTE: These details are a summary only. Please refer to the policy for full details including limitations and exclusions.
Pregnancy & Maternity
The Medical & Wellness plan includes coverage for pregnancy, terminations (abortions), miscarriages, delivery and more.
Maternity expenses including ultrasounds, lab tests, doctor visits, delivery and well-baby care for up to 6 months post-birth - $25,000
Miscarriage – Covered under $25,000 maternity benefit
Pregnancy Termination (Medical Abortion) – 1 per policy year
NOTE: These details are a summary only. Please refer to the policy for full details including limitations and exclusions.
*Charges for expenses incurred resulting from the pregnancy of a Participant commenced during the Policy Year (or within 30 days from it beginning), for a maximum period of 6 months following the birth of the child.
*Eligibility for coverage under this category is based upon the conception date of the pregnancy, whether known or unknown to the Participant, and only when coverage has been in force for the entire term of the pregnancy.
Travel Coverage
Outside Canada – Worldwide including US – school & leisure
Home Country – school related activity only
Travel outside Canada (other than to home country) is covered subject to the following conditions:
(a) More than 50% of the total coverage period must be spent in Canada
(b) Travel to the US is limited to 30 days per trip. Expenses will not be paid when incurred in home country except where the trip to home country is expressly taken in order to participate in a school organized sporting or extra-curricular event 100%
You do not need to let Student VIP know when you are travelling.
Please ensure you have your Health Plan Card with you when you travel in case you need to contact emergency assistance or seek medical help.
NOTE: These details are a summary only. Please refer to the policy for full details including limitations and exclusions.