30 minute free telephonic consultation per issue with a lawyer to address questions related to any legal situation except anything pertaining to business or employment law. Most commonly accessed for family law, wills & Estates, DUI or traffic violations.
60 minute telephonic consultation per issue with a certified financial planner to assist with decisions related to debt and credit, saving, budgeting or investing.
Professional Support with a Masters Level Counsellor to address a mental health or personal issue such as anxiety, stress, depression, grief, relationships or addictive behaviours. Immediate support is available 24 hours through the toll free number or instant chat. Appointments can be scheduled for telephonic, face to face or video counselling.
The Cultural Diversity Training Program focuses on the value of cultural diversity in the workplace and provides you with the tools to: identify and respect the difference, without judgement, and earch for common ground with your peers.
By focusing on self-assessment, awareness and reflection, you are asked to critically examine your own culture both individually and within society at large. You will learn to change your understanding of integration as one-way process (how can others change to accomodate my understading of culture) to a two-way process (how can we both change to accomodate our own and others' cultural understandings).
This training uses a transformative learning approach through an experiential learning model that is grounded in social theory.
HERE to get started!