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Helpful Tips When Using the International Health Plan

  • Visiting the Doctor
  • Claim Submission
  • Plan Information at A Glance
  • Claim Question?
  • Coverage Information

Before seeking services you may call Cowan Insurance at 1-888-509-7797  to inquire about the eligibility of your service.  They may ask you questions about your medical needs in order to help determine your eligiblity. 

Alternatively, you can also book a virtual doctors appointment through Direct2U here.



Students who have to pay upfront for services will have to send in a claim form to be reimbursed for the money you have spent.  

To learn about how to make a claim, please click here.

Plan Name: Mount Royal ELP International Health Plan

Insurance Provider: Cowan Insurance Group

Identification Number: Your Student ID number 

Policy Number: 09172a

For questions regarding claims, contact the Student VIP team or Cowan Insurance Group Directly:




For questions regarding what is covered under your plan contact Student VIP or Cowan Insurance Group.


Student VIP:

Cowan Insurance Group:


Phone: 1-888-509-7797

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