Here you will find details about your Medical Insurance and Travel Coverage
Your coverage is available in British Columbia, across Canada, outside of Canada and even in your home country
Be sure you have your Health Plan Card to present at the doctor or hospital to avoid paying out of pocket for your expenses
Translated Policy Summaries
NOTE: The coverage details contained on this webpage and throughout the website are a summary only. Please refer to the policy for full details including limitations and exclusions. If there are discrepancies between the wording on this webpage / website and the Policy, the Policy shall govern and eligible expenses paid at the Policy limits..
Understand Your Coverage
Know all benefits, limitations, and exclusions that apply.
Coverage valid in Canada only.
Medical Coverage
You have coverage for emergent and urgent medical care such as:
Going to the doctor if you are feeling sick or are injured
Visits to the Emergency Room
Sexual Health Testing
This policy also includes coverage for lab tests such as blood work and diagnostic imaging such as x-rays, ultrasounds, MRI's and CT scans.
This portion of your insurance coverage is for medical expenses if you are sick or injured and require medical care. Your policy covers these expenses at 100% and there is no deductible or co-pay for you.
NOTE: These details are a summary only. Please refer to the policy for full details including limitations and exclusions.
Emergency Dental Coverage
Your plan has coverage for emergent and accidental dental care such as if you are having extreme dental pain or fall and chip a tooth for example.
Accidental Dental Coverage - $4,000
Emergency Pain Relief - $1,000
Wisdom Tooth Extraction: $100 / per tooth
NOTE: This is just a summary list and does not include all examples or reasons why someone would need emergent or accidental dental care and does not confirm coverage. All claims are processed by the insurance company based on the terms and conditions of the policy.
Vision Coverage
You may be required to get your eyes tested if you are having trouble seeing or things look blurry. You need an eye exam in order to get glasses or contact lenses.
Eye Exam: 100% up to $100 per year
NOTE: This is just a summary list and does not include all examples or reasons why someone would need emergent or accidental dental care and does not confirm coverage. All claims are processed by the insurance company based on the terms and conditions of the policy.
Mental Health
No matter what your mental health journey looks like, you have coverage through your plan to support your mental health care.
Visits to a psychologist or psychiatrist- 100% covered up to $10,000
Visits to a social worker – 100% covered up to $500
Hospitalization due to a mental health illness or concern such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia or other- 100% covered up to $60,000 (lifetime maximum)
Psychiatry fees billed separately during your time in the hospital – 100% covered up to $60,000 (lifetime maximum)
NOTE: This is just a summary list and does not confirm coverage. All claims are processed by the insurance company based on the terms and conditions of the policy.
The Medical & Wellness plan also includes coverage for various transportation needs including:
Ambulance – Up to $10,000
Taxi or Uber to hospital- Up to $125
Repatriation (you are sick and must return home permanently) – up to $20,000
Repatriation of remains (transporting your body to your home country) – up to $20,000
Family Travel to your bedside (if you are hospitalized for more than 7 days) - $5,000 for airfare for 2 immediate family members.
Supplemental Expenses for family (i.e. accommodation, food) $150 day up to $1,500 max
NOTE: This is just a summary list and does not confirm coverage. All claims are processed by the insurance company based on the terms and conditions of the policy.
Your plan includes travel coverage across the globe!
Travel within Canada: Unlimited duration
Travel outside of Canada for leisure (fun, personal): 120 days
Travel outside of Canada for school (i.e., co-op): Up to 184 days as long as 51% of the policy year is spent in Canada
Travel to your home country: 31 days max up to $10,000 coverage
NOTE: You do not need to let student VIP know when you are travelling.
Please ensure you have your Health Plan Card with you when you travel in the event you need to contact emergency assistance and or seek medical help.
This is just a summary list and does not confirm coverage.
All claims are processed by the insurance company based on the terms and conditions of the policy.