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Peterborough Campus - Undergraduate Students
Trent Central Students' Association
Location: Student Centre, 2.15 Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 6:30 pm
Phone: 705-748-1000
Fax: 705-748-1002
E-mail: benefits@trentcentral.ca
ESL & George Brown Nursing students may go to the TCSA Office for assistance, TGSA students may also visit the Graduate Studies office or TGSA office for inquiries.
Trent Durham Student Association
Location: 55 Thornton Road South, Room 122 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm and Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Phone: 905-435-5102 x 5058
Fax: 905-435-5101
E-mail: admin@mytdsa.ca
Trent Graduate Students' Association
Location: 315 Dublin St., Traill College, Room 223
Phone: 705-748-1011 x6423
E-mail: gradhealth@trentu.ca
The Oshawa Campus Health Plan Office - Winter hours will be Monday -Thursday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm and Fridays 9:00am - 2:00 pm
Phone: 1-833-867-3468
E-mail: trent@medavie.bluecross.ca