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Here are some services you can take advantage of with the Student-VIP Backpack plan.

  • Counselling
  • Virtual Health Care
  • Cultural Diversity Support
  • 24/7 Nurse Helpline
  • Legal Consultations and Referrals
Connect with a counsellor 24/7 through Backpack’s global counselling service. Counselling is private and confidential. 

Counsellors are available to help you through anxiety, stress, grief, depression, relationship issues, financial stress, family concerns and more. 
If you are feeling unwell or uneasy, there is support available to you.


1. Call 1 (603)-952-2068 
2. Use the Peak mobile app live chat and request to speak with a counsellor. Use Group Code SCCABRAOD.


  1.  An assistance coordinator will collect information such as your name, contact details, and date of birth. It is at your discretion whether you wish to remain anonymous and withhold personal information. If you choose not to share any identifying information, you can still speak with a counsellor just by identifying St.Clair College as your school. 
  2. You will then be connected to a counsellor for a confidential call. 
  3. Your counsellor will perform an assessment and address any immediate needs during the first call. 
  4. The counsellor will work directly with you to form a plan of action for additional short-term counselling as needed. 
  5. If the counsellor recommends an assessment or care by a physician following your initial call, the counsellor will offer to transfer you back to a Backpack Assistance Coordinator to make arrangements for an appointment in your location. 

    Please note that counsellors will not provide diagnosis or prescribe medication. 
d2U Prescriptions Logo

Virtual Health Care (video & telephone medical appointments) are available to travellers abroad by calling Backpack’s 24/7 Response Centre and advising you need to see a doctor and what your medical or mental health concern is. If the concern is suitable to be treated / addressed by virtual care, an appointment will be set up for you.


To contact Backpack, please click here.

Cultural Diversity Training:

Module 1:
Module 2:
  • Backpack provides a 24/7 Nurse Help line to provide clinical assessment, education and general health information performed by a registered Nurse counselor. This service is to assist in identifying the appropriate level and source(s) of care for you based on symptoms reported and/or health care questions. Nurses shall not diagnose your ailments.

  • To contact Backpack, please click here.
If you are arrested, or require the services of an attorney, Backpack will arrange for an initial telephone consultation with an attorney without charge to you.
If needed, you will be referred to an attorney in the appropriate geographical area. This service applies only when you are traveling internationally.

To contact Backpack, please click here.
non-emergency live chat